Where to Find Blue Tits in the UK?
Blue Tits are found throughout the UK, but they are most commonly seen in England and Wales. In Scotland, Blue Tits are less common, but they can still be spotted in some areas.Blue Tits are adapted to a variety of habitats and can be found in woods and gardens throughout the UK. These birds are very active and love to explore their surroundings. If you're lucky, you may even see a Blue Tit at your local park or nature reserve.

How to Identify a Blue Tit?
The Blue Tit is a small bird with blue feathers and a black head. These birds are very easy to spot thanks to their bright plumage. Males and females look similar, although males tend to be slightly larger than females. The wingspan of a Blue Tit tends to range between 10cm to 12cm.
Juvenile Blue Tits tend to have brown feathers instead of blue. These feathers will start to turn a sparkling blue as the bird grows older.

What do Blue Tits Eat?
Blue Tits are mainly insectivorous, which means that they eat mostly insects. However, these birds will also eat small amounts of fruit and seeds. In the winter months, when insects are scarce, Blue Tits will often feed on nuts and berries. You can attract Blue Tits to your garden by providing bird feeders filled with their favourite foods.
How important is the habitat when feeding Blue Tits?
The habitat will also be a major factor in what your local Blue Tits eat. If you live in a an area dominated by Woodland, Blue Tits will tend to enjoy a healthy diet of caterpillars. If you live in a suburban area, your Blue Tits will more than likely enjoy earthworms as the main component of their diet.
The weather is also an important factor in the habitual eating habits of the Blue Tit. If the winter is cold and insects are in short supply, Blue Tits will flock to berries and nuts in bushes and trees. In suburban areas, they’re likely to enjoy dining in garden.
What do Blue Tit chicks/babies eat?
Blue Tits that are looking after young chicks will opt for a high protein diet containing maggots, earthworms and caterpillars. They’re unlikely to feed on berries during fledgling season, which for Blue Tits ranges from late March through to early July.
What Should I Feed Blue Tits?
Unless you’ve got a healthy store of earthworms and caterpillars in your garden, you’re probably wondering what’s the best bird feed to offer Blue Tits. Well, the answer is that Blue Tits will eat almost any bird feed on offer, but to ensure you’re giving yourself the best chance of spotting these wonderful birds, we’d recommend the following.
Fat Balls
Blue Tits are very active birds who are always shooting about causing mischief and havoc in UK gardens. Because of this behaviour they need a high fat diet to provide them with all the energy they need for their daily antics. One of the best feeds to offer a high energy diet is Fat Balls. Packed with Suet and a variety of nuts and seeds, Fat Balls are a favourite of perky Blue Tit and will have them flocking to your garden all year round.
Buy Fat Balls for Birds here.
Another feed to consider for the Blue Tit is alfloxin tested Peanuts. Nuts are a favourite of the Blue Tit during winter when insects are naturally scarce. Nuts also pack all the fats and protein a Blue Tit needs to thrive during the colder months of the year.
Buy Peanuts for Birds here.
Dried Mealworms
Blue Tits are naturally insectivarious, so to give yourself the best chance of attracting them to your garden we’d recommend starting with Dried Mealworms. You could feed them Live Mealworms, which will naturally be more attractive, however, Live Mealworms are much more expensive and require you have the correct storage containers. Dried Mealworms on the other hand are just as nutritious, containing all the protein your Blue Tits need to thrive.
Buy Dried Mealworms for Birds here.
Suet Pellets (Berry or Mealworm/Insect Based)
Blue Tits love two things, insects and berries. A cost effective way to offer them these two feeds is to choose a suet pellet made with a base of berries or mealworm/insects. The suet will have all the fat and proteins they need, while the berry or insect base will make it an irresistible feed. Try mixing the two feeds for a extra treat for your local Blue Tits.
Buy Berry Based Suet Pellets here.
What do Blue Tit chicks/babies eat?
Blue Tits that are looking after young chicks will opt for a high protein diet containing maggots, earthworms and caterpillars. They’re unlikely to feed on berries during fledgling season, which for Blue Tits ranges from early April through to late May.
When is Blue Tit Breeding Season?
The breeding season for Blue Tits typically runs from April to May. During this time, the males will compete for the attention of the females by performing acrobatic displays and singing songs. Once a pair has bonded, they will build a nest together and raise their chicks.How many eggs does a Blue Tit lay?
The average clutch size for a Blue Tit is eight eggs. However, some females may lay as many as twelve eggs.
What is the incubation period for Blue Tit eggs?
The incubation period for Blue Tit eggs is about two weeks.
When do Blue Tit chicks/babies leave the nest?
Blue Tit chicks typically leave the nest after three weeks.
How Do Blue Tits Behave?
Blue Tits are very active birds that love to explore their surroundings. These birds are constantly on the move, flitting from branch to branch in search of food. Blue Tits are also known for their playful behaviour – you may see them chasing each other or hanging upside down from tree branches!What is the Life Cycle of a Blue Tit?
The life cycle of a Blue Tit begins when the female lays a clutch of eggs (usually between six and twelve) in a nest made from twigs, moss, and spider webs. The male and female take turns incubating the eggs until they hatch after about two weeks.Once the chicks hatch, they are helpless and rely on their parents for food. After about three weeks, the chicks are ready to leave the nest and begin exploring the world on their own. Blue Tits usually only live for a few years in the wild, but some individuals have been known to reach up to ten years of age.
Where Do Blue Tits Nest?
Blue Tits typically nest in trees, but they will also use nest boxes and bird houses. If you provide a nesting box in your garden, you may be lucky enough to attract a pair of Blue Tits!Are Blue Tits Threatened?
The Blue Tit is not currently considered to be threatened. However, these birds are affected by habitat loss and the use of pesticides. You can help protect Blue Tits by planting native plants in your garden and avoiding the use of chemicals.How long do Blue Tits live?
In the wild, Blue Tits usually only live for a few years. However, some individuals have been known to reach up to ten years of age.Do Blue Tits migrate?
Some Blue Tits migrate in the winter months, but others remain in the UK all year round.What is the conservation status of the Blue Tit?
The Blue Tit is not currently considered to be threatened. However, these birds are affected by habitat loss and the use of pesticides. You can help protect Blue Tits by planting native plants in your garden.How to attract Blue Tits to your garden?
The Blue Tit is a beautiful and fascinating bird that is found throughout the UK. These birds are easy to spot thanks to their bright blue plumage, and they are interesting creatures to watch thanks to their active lifestyle. If you're lucky, you may even get to see a Blue Tit in your own backyard. Here’s our tips for attacting them to your garden.Plant Berry-Licious Plants
Blue Tits love to supplement their mainly insectivarious diet with a variety of berries. So, to attract Blue Tits, you should ensure you’re growing a variety of plants that produce blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, plums and roses. Vegetable plants that produce Tomatoes are also a hotspot for Blue Tits.
Insect-Based Feeds
Blue Tits are insectivarous birds. This means that their diet largely consists of foraging for insects like earthworms and caterpillars. So, in an effort to attract them to your garden, you should offer insect-based feeds which clench them desire for a high-protein snack. Try Dried Mealworms, Calci Worm and Insect-Based Suet Pellets.
Fresh, Clean Water
Blue Tits are hard at work providing for themselves and their family almost every second of every day. For this reason, they need a healthy amount of water to help them thrive. Try adding a bird bath to your garden to give the Blue Tit a place to refresh throughout the day.
Hang a Bird Box Up High
Blue Tits will do many a reconnaissane mission searching far and wide for the ideal place to raise their chicks. The best way to ensure your garden is picked is to hang a bird box high up in your garden tree. Once the lucky couple has moved in they will stay for the remaining breeding season.