Users were shown a picture of each dog and then asked to rate the breed on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being the least beautiful and ten being the most beautiful.
These results are not our opinion, they are the opinion of the British public. We do not necessarily agree with the results, but we find them interesting nonetheless.
So, is the Golden Retriever the prettiest? Or is it the Springer Spaniel? Or maybe even the Dachshund?
Take a look at the list below and let us know which you think is the prettiest breed in the comments.
The Top 10 Most Beautiful Dogs

Ok, so the results were tight at the top, but it was the Beagle who was rated the most beautiful with an average rating of 8.8. The second most beautiful was the Golden Retriever who was rated at 8.5, followed by the Labrador and Hungarian Vizsla who finished joint third with an average rating of 8.2.
Other popular breeds that took us slightly by surprise were the Spaniel breeds. We expected, with them being two of the most popular dog breeds in the UK, they would score a little higher than they did. The results also seemed to skew higher for larger dogs with only the Pomeranian (7.9) and Daschund (7.2) scoring highly for the small dog breeds.
The Bottom 10 Most Beautiful Dogs in the UK
We don’t want to call them ugly, as no dog is ugly. Dogs offer so much more than just looks with their beautiful, adoring personalities. But the results are the results, and this is what they had to say.

Unfortunately, the results were less tight when we look at the bottom end of our table. In last place was the Minature Schnauzer which only picked up an average of 4.4 out of 10. This was followed by the Pug who managed to score slightly higher with a 4.7 out of 10 and finally third from the bottom was the Shi Tzu who scored a 4.9 out of 10.
The ratings seemed to skew more favourably to larger dogs with eight of the bottom ten dogs being smaller breeds. Two stand out results were the French Bulldog with a 6.5 which has grown in popularity over the last 5 years, we expected the Frenchie to score higher. The other was the Greyhound, another very popular breed in the UK, which only managed to score 6.2 out of 10.
Methodology and Raw Data
This survey was conducted by asking 2000 people to rate the beauty twenty-two dog breeds on a scale from 1 to 10. If you would like to access the raw data, please click the link here.